Outasight offers a unique solution to over-bath and wetroom showering whilst retaining the style and aesthetic design of your bathing haven.
The total objective of our highly specialist team of designers and engineers was to develop and pioneer a completely new showering solution that provided greater space, is completely discreet blending ‘out of sight’ to rest focus on other fixtures and fittings within your bathroom environment and most importantly, safe and hygienic for the entire family.
An award winning designed addition to any bathroom, the Outasight creates a stylish ‘space saving’ finish to any bathroom that fashions a stylish solution to ‘permanently there’, bulky, unsightly shower screens.
The Outasight screen elevates your bathing experience by creating a perfect and sophisticated showering area that enables you indulge in daily bathing in a more functional manner without compromising the aesthetical harmony of your bathroom.
Expert design and function combine seamlessly to create perfection in showering solutions. Outasight is the ultimate choice; hand-picked by thousands of satisfied customers worldwide.